Test results and information about current advisories are posted on the Public Health public beaches website. Public Health will advise the public when water contact is considered safe again. coli bacteria levels do not exceed state and US Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. The closure will remain in effect until tests show that E. Public Health will collect additional water samples on Monday. People who fish at Vancouver Lake should take precautions to avoid water contact and should thoroughly clean all fish and equipment.
coli bacteria, prompting Public Health to close the lake to swimming and wading. Four of six water samples showed elevated levels of E. Public Health collected additional water samples from the swim beach on Monday and received results today. Public Health issued a warning for the swim beach on June 2 when one water sample collected during routine testing showed elevated levels of E. coli bacteria can cause serious gastrointestinal illness if water is accidentally swallowed. School Health and Safety Technical Advisory GroupĬlark County Public Health is closing the Vancouver Lake swim beach due to elevated levels of E.Environmental health resources for schools.Garbage and hazardous waste enforcement.FAQ's for farmers markets, bazaars & temporary events.View your Drinking Water Information Online.Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences.Nurse-Family Partnership - helping first-time parents succeed.